There's an old story from gaming mythology - you certainly know it - about the motion in Mario's 3D adventures that was perfected by Shigeru Miyamoto right from the start with Super Mario 64. Core Design has managed that similarity. Similar to the original Tomb Raider in 1996, too. No one is really talking about it now, while the story of Mario remains. It could be because Nintendo didn't make ten identity sequels in the decade that followed or splash Mario's stretchy cup on the cover of The Face.
Really, though, the Italian plumber and British gravedigger are equally confident that if all their moves are available from the start without unlocking, that's enough. Both games - still, a quarter of a century later - are Platonic ideals of their characters. And they had pretty bloody swimming competitions.
Lara Croft's debut is clearly a swimmer disguised as an action-adventure athlete. More than anything else, what shows Core has handled this from the start is an unnecessary, elegant move from Lara's honed repertoire: the swan dive. Using diving anywhere other than direct water tends to result in a graceful but unfortunately humorous death.
Aim the right way, and the world's greatest archaeologist has proven his Olympic potential and let you press Up, Alt, and Shift at the same time as you try to pat yourself on the back. Swan diving is Core telling us it's okay to exercise in the woods it's created, as if we need its permission.
Tomb Raider is the complete opposite of today's open world. It locks Lara in a series of increasingly terrifying, complex levels, designed to accommodate her side flips, forward rolls, and acrobatic jumps. Core seems to have realized that this can be a bit claustrophobic, what happens to all the random animals that sprint after you through the graves.
That must be why it floods parts of these submerged places with crystal clear, sparkling waters that are eerily clear to explore, like Lara stumbling across a quaint entertainment center that St. Assisi built in his spare time. Looking for an H20 ramp to run into always provides a handy escape from the bears, gorillas, or large stomping dinosaurs that seem out of nowhere to chase Lara.
Yes, the peacefulness of guiding Lara through the flooded areas of the Tomb Raider can be interrupted by occasional crocodiles. It doesn't matter because swimming is very energetic and feels very satisfying in action. On land, navigating Lara up the masonry or across the deeps can seem heavy and dangerous, potentially ending in her doom if you don't align her just right.
Breaking the water is a change of speed; If it weren't for the noise of the liquid and the sight of some bubbles around her, you might mistake Lara's breaststroke for flight. There is always a faint danger of drowning as you search for switches or assistive devices, but, hey, why not forget the rest of the level and enjoy a comfortable dip?
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